Friday, November 28, 2008
എന്നാല് ഈ ജീവിതത്തില്
നമ്മള് വലിയ ഒറ്റപ്പെടല് അനുഭവിക്കുകയാണ്.
ഒറ്റപ്പെടല് ഒരു കാവ്യ ഭാവനയാണ്.
കുറേ ചെറിയ കാര്യങ്ങളെ
വലുതാക്കി ഷോകേസ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള വഴി.
എന്നാല് ഏത് കവി വിചാരിച്ചാലും
ജീവിതം നന്നാവില്ല.
അതിന് ആരിലും ഒന്നും പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാനില്ല.
ജീവിതം എത്രയോ മുമ്പേ
എല്ലാം എഴുതുന്നു ,മായ്ക്കുന്നു.
ആര്ക്കും മനസ്സിലാകാത്ത
ചിത്രങ്ങള് ജീവിതത്തിനുള്ളതാണ്.
എന്നാല് ഈ ജീവിതത്തില്
നമ്മള് വലിയ ഒറ്റപ്പെടല് അനുഭവിക്കുകയാണ്.
ഒറ്റപ്പെടല് ഒരു കാവ്യ ഭാവനയാണ്.
കുറേ ചെറിയ കാര്യങ്ങളെ
വലുതാക്കി ഷോകേസ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള വഴി.
എന്നാല് ഏത് കവി വിചാരിച്ചാലും
ജീവിതം നന്നാവില്ല.
അതിന് ആരിലും ഒന്നും പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാനില്ല.
ജീവിതം എത്രയോ മുമ്പേ
എല്ലാം എഴുതുന്നു ,മായ്ക്കുന്നു.
ആര്ക്കും മനസ്സിലാകാത്ത
ചിത്രങ്ങള് ജീവിതത്തിനുള്ളതാണ്.
ആ പറവ പറന്നുകൊണ്ടേയിരിക്കുകയാണ്
ഒരു പരമ്പരാഗത കവിക്ക്
അത് കവിതയാണ്.
എന്നാല് പക്ഷി ഒരു പാട്ട്
കേള്ക്കാന് പോലും അശക്തമാണ്.
അതിന്റെ കാലില് ഏതോ പ്രകൃതിവിരുദ്ധന്
എയ്തുവിട്ട കല്ല് തറച്ച് ചോരയിറ്റുന്നുണ്ട്.
ഇല്ല ,കവിതയൊന്നുമില്ല
ഇതിലെങ്കിലും കവിതയുണ്ടാകരുതെന്ന്
ഒരിക്കല്പോലും കവിതയാകാതിരിക്കാന്
ആ പറവ പറന്നുകൊണ്ടേയിരിക്കുകയാണ്.
അതിനിടയില് അതിന് നിത്യജോലിയില്പോലും
ശ്രദ്ധിക്കാന് പറ്റുന്നില്ല.
മുറിവ്, വേദന, പക്ഷി എന്നൊക്കെ കേട്ടാല്
കവികള് വ്യാജ സത്യവാങ്ങ്മൂലവുമായി
ചാടിവീഴുമെന്ന് അതിന്
ഇതിനോടകം മനസ്സിലായിട്ടുണ്ട്.
ഒരു പക്ഷിക്ക് തനിക്ക് വേണ്ടിപ്പോലും
ജീവിക്കാന് കഴിയാത്ത അവസ്ഥ നല്ലതല്ല .
ആ പറവ പറന്നുകൊണ്ടേയിരിക്കുകയാണ്
ഒരു പരമ്പരാഗത കവിക്ക്
അത് കവിതയാണ്.
എന്നാല് പക്ഷി ഒരു പാട്ട്
കേള്ക്കാന് പോലും അശക്തമാണ്.
അതിന്റെ കാലില് ഏതോ പ്രകൃതിവിരുദ്ധന്
എയ്തുവിട്ട കല്ല് തറച്ച് ചോരയിറ്റുന്നുണ്ട്.
ഇല്ല ,കവിതയൊന്നുമില്ല
ഇതിലെങ്കിലും കവിതയുണ്ടാകരുതെന്ന്
ഒരിക്കല്പോലും കവിതയാകാതിരിക്കാന്
ആ പറവ പറന്നുകൊണ്ടേയിരിക്കുകയാണ്.
അതിനിടയില് അതിന് നിത്യജോലിയില്പോലും
ശ്രദ്ധിക്കാന് പറ്റുന്നില്ല.
മുറിവ്, വേദന, പക്ഷി എന്നൊക്കെ കേട്ടാല്
കവികള് വ്യാജ സത്യവാങ്ങ്മൂലവുമായി
ചാടിവീഴുമെന്ന് അതിന്
ഇതിനോടകം മനസ്സിലായിട്ടുണ്ട്.
ഒരു പക്ഷിക്ക് തനിക്ക് വേണ്ടിപ്പോലും
ജീവിക്കാന് കഴിയാത്ത അവസ്ഥ നല്ലതല്ല .
ഒരിക്കല് നമുക്ക്
ആരോടും ഒന്നും പറയരുത്.
ആര്ക്കും ഒന്നും മനസ്സിലാകില്ല.
ഒന്നിലും മനസ്സിലാക്കാന് ഒന്നുമില്ല
എന്ന് തോന്നിപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് ചില മൌനങ്ങള്
ജീവിതത്തെ വല്ലാതെ അപഹസിക്കും!
ഒരിക്കല് നമുക്ക് എല്ലാ അര്ത്ഥങ്ങളും
അതേപോലെ ഒരിക്കല് എല്ലാ സൂചനകളും
ഒന്നുകില് നമ്മള് ഒരു യാഥാര്ത്ഥ്യമേയല്ല.
മറ്റുള്ളവരാണ് നമ്മളെ
നിര്വ്വചിക്കുന്നത് ,
ഉണ്ടെന്ന് ഭാവിക്കുന്നത്,
ഒരിക്കല് നമുക്ക്
ആരോടും ഒന്നും പറയരുത്.
ആര്ക്കും ഒന്നും മനസ്സിലാകില്ല.
ഒന്നിലും മനസ്സിലാക്കാന് ഒന്നുമില്ല
എന്ന് തോന്നിപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് ചില മൌനങ്ങള്
ജീവിതത്തെ വല്ലാതെ അപഹസിക്കും!
ഒരിക്കല് നമുക്ക് എല്ലാ അര്ത്ഥങ്ങളും
അതേപോലെ ഒരിക്കല് എല്ലാ സൂചനകളും
ഒന്നുകില് നമ്മള് ഒരു യാഥാര്ത്ഥ്യമേയല്ല.
മറ്റുള്ളവരാണ് നമ്മളെ
നിര്വ്വചിക്കുന്നത് ,
ഉണ്ടെന്ന് ഭാവിക്കുന്നത്,
ഒരിക്കല് നമുക്ക്
ആരോടും ഒന്നും പറയരുത്.
ആര്ക്കും ഒന്നും മനസ്സിലാകില്ല.
ഒന്നിലും മനസ്സിലാക്കാന് ഒന്നുമില്ല
എന്ന് തോന്നിപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് ചില മൌനങ്ങള്
ജീവിതത്തെ വല്ലാതെ അപഹസിക്കും!
ഒരിക്കല് നമുക്ക് എല്ലാ അര്ത്ഥങ്ങളും
അതേപോലെ ഒരിക്കല് എല്ലാ സൂചനകളും
ഒന്നുകില് നമ്മള് ഒരു യാഥാര്ത്ഥ്യമേയല്ല.
മറ്റുള്ളവരാണ് നമ്മളെ
നിര്വ്വചിക്കുന്നത് ,
ഉണ്ടെന്ന് ഭാവിക്കുന്നത്,
Sunday, November 23, 2008
ഓരോ നിമിഷത്തിലൂടെയും
നാദവീചികളുണ്ടാക്കുന്നു .
എവിടെയോ പോയി തിരിച്ചു
വരുന്ന നാം ഒരു നാദത്തിലൂടെയും
സ്വയം തിരിച്ചറിയുന്നുമില്ല.
ഓരോ നിമിഷത്തിലൂടെയും
നാദവീചികളുണ്ടാക്കുന്നു .
എവിടെയോ പോയി തിരിച്ചു
വരുന്ന നാം ഒരു നാദത്തിലൂടെയും
സ്വയം തിരിച്ചറിയുന്നുമില്ല.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Prof . Baby M. Varghese writes - M. K. Harikumar's Aksharajaalakam , a unique literary exercise.

Chev .Prof. Baby M Varghese
Speaking about the brand of writers I am tempted to say that some writers are born and some othersc are made.Our writers are seen grouped under such categories in view of their attitude and aptitude.M K Harikumar , belonging to the first rare band of writers, is noted for his originality. If originality is measured by the yardstick of invention of events or incidents or episodes he can claim too be an original writer.
He may not be a popular writer and poplarity is not that measures one;s originality.This impression is based on my reflections on AKSHARAJAALAKAM' , a regular feature of Kala Kaumudi'.
' AKSHARAJAALAKAM' serves the purpose of a mirror holding up to nature. It is a literary casement reflecting a lot of things drawn from life and literature. It brings out the luminous mind of the columnist perceiving with critical acme. He views things in his own unique style.AKSHARAJAALAKAM, no doubt , is a magic window opening to a variety of things and experience.
My special reference goes to certain issues of august 2008.Harikumar suggests two phases in each column maintaining a uniform pattern.
The first reference is all about a particular theme and the treatment of which is very striking.Every issue is brought out with Harikumar's special touch. It may be about men and m,atters;it may be about literary theories and concepts. There is nithing uncommon about the things said but there is something strange about the way of saying it.
Then he goes on to reflect his responses on various aspectsof life and literature, ancient and modern, in the next phase. You may or may not agree with his conclusions. But it exhibits his own style or vision; it shows his 'brand'. His mission is neither pleasing nor disgusting. It is the expression of his impressions without any prejudices. There are bits of knowledge , packed with novel ideas. It is eithe due to his critical appreciation or evaluation of things drawn from life and art. Whatever is dealt with under the sun has its own originality and sensibility.Openness and stubbornness attribute to his masculine style. He is carried off by an ocean of events, sights or experiences in the second of Aksharajaalakam.
In the issue of August 3 Harikumar introduces Jugu Surayya as a powerful columnist at whose magical touch everything turns in to humorous vein in the light shade of philosophy. His writings suggest that it is cruel to laugh at the poor and good to laugh at the rich - ' a Jugular philosophy of life.'His column in the' Times of India' entitled as 'Jugular vein' is highly suggestive of his subtle humour and powerful satire.
Harikumar looks upon Oscar Wilde with deep concern in another issue of August 10 Oscar Wilde was held in high esteem by people all over the world during the last century.Oscar has become a legend like Shakespeare and his name is more than a 'brand' in literature. The passage of time doesnot make him out fashioned; he is still contemporary in the way of dealing with. This Irish writer , just like Shakepseare , is not of an age but for all time.
In the last issue of August Harikumar expounds a new theory of art in the context of the modern life. His views on art may not go in agreement with the traditional concepts of - Art for Art's Sake or Art for Life's Sake. He says art is not for life nor life for art. It is nothing but the application of artthat matters. Art is deemed to be a consumer item. Harikumar states that in the din and bustle of modern life we are busy and we develop a very miserly attiyude towards reading - no time for reading books nor doing things in an elaborate style. We are driven by a glimpse of things .In the busy schedule one is confined to oneself suited to the rhythm of 'ring tone ' says Harikumar.
These arguements do not conform to those of the established schools of art.First, art is for art's sake and it is like a bud that blossoms. It is a spontaneous creativity without any pressure. It is
due to the irresistable urge from within.Secondly, art for life's sake is a very common theory bringing out the social aspect of it. Art is, no doubt, life seen through temperament. Art , being the expression of life, cannot devoid of it. It keeps a mirror up to nature or life.There is no literature without life and literature, at bottom, is ' the criticism of life'.These arguements were very prevalent and at the time of Mundassery and Kuttikrishna Marar.
' To be great is to be misunderstood'. Harikumar's' Aksharajaalakam', a powerful literary and contemporary exercise , bears testimony to this Emerson's statement.
Chev. Prof. Baby M. Varghese
Prof . Baby M. Varghese writes - M. K. Harikumar's Aksharajaalakam , a unique literary exercise.

Chev .Prof. Baby M Varghese
Speaking about the brand of writers I am tempted to say that some writers are born and some othersc are made.Our writers are seen grouped under such categories in view of their attitude and aptitude.M K Harikumar , belonging to the first rare band of writers, is noted for his originality. If originality is measured by the yardstick of invention of events or incidents or episodes he can claim too be an original writer.
He may not be a popular writer and poplarity is not that measures one;s originality.This impression is based on my reflections on AKSHARAJAALAKAM' , a regular feature of Kala Kaumudi'.
' AKSHARAJAALAKAM' serves the purpose of a mirror holding up to nature. It is a literary casement reflecting a lot of things drawn from life and literature. It brings out the luminous mind of the columnist perceiving with critical acme. He views things in his own unique style.AKSHARAJAALAKAM, no doubt , is a magic window opening to a variety of things and experience.
My special reference goes to certain issues of august 2008.Harikumar suggests two phases in each column maintaining a uniform pattern.
The first reference is all about a particular theme and the treatment of which is very striking.Every issue is brought out with Harikumar's special touch. It may be about men and m,atters;it may be about literary theories and concepts. There is nithing uncommon about the things said but there is something strange about the way of saying it.
Then he goes on to reflect his responses on various aspectsof life and literature, ancient and modern, in the next phase. You may or may not agree with his conclusions. But it exhibits his own style or vision; it shows his 'brand'. His mission is neither pleasing nor disgusting. It is the expression of his impressions without any prejudices. There are bits of knowledge , packed with novel ideas. It is eithe due to his critical appreciation or evaluation of things drawn from life and art. Whatever is dealt with under the sun has its own originality and sensibility.Openness and stubbornness attribute to his masculine style. He is carried off by an ocean of events, sights or experiences in the second of Aksharajaalakam.
In the issue of August 3 Harikumar introduces Jugu Surayya as a powerful columnist at whose magical touch everything turns in to humorous vein in the light shade of philosophy. His writings suggest that it is cruel to laugh at the poor and good to laugh at the rich - ' a Jugular philosophy of life.'His column in the' Times of India' entitled as 'Jugular vein' is highly suggestive of his subtle humour and powerful satire.
Harikumar looks upon Oscar Wilde with deep concern in another issue of August 10 Oscar Wilde was held in high esteem by people all over the world during the last century.Oscar has become a legend like Shakespeare and his name is more than a 'brand' in literature. The passage of time doesnot make him out fashioned; he is still contemporary in the way of dealing with. This Irish writer , just like Shakepseare , is not of an age but for all time.
In the last issue of August Harikumar expounds a new theory of art in the context of the modern life. His views on art may not go in agreement with the traditional concepts of - Art for Art's Sake or Art for Life's Sake. He says art is not for life nor life for art. It is nothing but the application of artthat matters. Art is deemed to be a consumer item. Harikumar states that in the din and bustle of modern life we are busy and we develop a very miserly attiyude towards reading - no time for reading books nor doing things in an elaborate style. We are driven by a glimpse of things .In the busy schedule one is confined to oneself suited to the rhythm of 'ring tone ' says Harikumar.
These arguements do not conform to those of the established schools of art.First, art is for art's sake and it is like a bud that blossoms. It is a spontaneous creativity without any pressure. It is
due to the irresistable urge from within.Secondly, art for life's sake is a very common theory bringing out the social aspect of it. Art is, no doubt, life seen through temperament. Art , being the expression of life, cannot devoid of it. It keeps a mirror up to nature or life.There is no literature without life and literature, at bottom, is ' the criticism of life'.These arguements were very prevalent and at the time of Mundassery and Kuttikrishna Marar.
' To be great is to be misunderstood'. Harikumar's' Aksharajaalakam', a powerful literary and contemporary exercise , bears testimony to this Emerson's statement.
Chev. Prof. Baby M. Varghese
Friday, November 14, 2008
This is M k
M.K Harikumar was born at Koothattukulam, [ in ernakulam district] on 30th July 1962. He studied at the Koothattukulam Government UP School and later joined Deva Matha College at Kuravilangadu for his B. A. ,was his main stream of study there. After finishing BA he joined for his M A in Nirmala College, Moovattupuzha.
m k has written plays and presented on stage ,while he was studying u p classes.m k was a sportsman too.He was proficient in Pole Vault and High Jump.He played Foot Ball and Basket Ball as M K is a personality who can still play not in the field, but with words also.As usual, after completing his Post Graduation he returned to home for the next three years to read, read and then to write.
Although since existence became a necessity with an ordinary post graduation, Harikumar started a private college and started teaching English and malayalam, not Economics. His penchant for the language was evident since then. Side by side with the tuition, he read on almost all the literary books that were available in his neighbourhood libraries.As reading made him think, he started writing too.
Still a necessity for a job was intense for him.The tuition stopped, as his concentration switched to writing more. But survival became important. Just then after three or four years of self-inflicted uncertainity, he joined as a sub Editor in Mangalam Daily in Kottayam. That was his stepping stone to journalism. Soon he became the Desk Chief there. So increased his responsibilites too. At that stage he even feared whether he would never write again anything other than the conventional news or rewirte the reader's mails.
The realization was a shock to him. But the realization of existing as a writer shocked him even more. So he continued journalism till he joined Kerala Kaumudi hoping for better propsects.He joined kerala Kaumudi as a reporter, and later became Bureau Chief in Ernakulam. He learned to live frugally with his income along with a nucleus family of his own since then.But the writer in him was restless as ever.By this time, he published quite a lot of articles of his own in the current publications. He even started his popular column "Aksharajaalakam" in Kalakaumudi by then.MK started writng from school onwards, in fact.
But that was what a boy of his age could do. As a school boy he participated in oratory competions.His first article was an introduction to the compiliation of three stories published[1980] by Subhash Charvaaka at Kuthattukulam. Soon he was writing in Samkramanam Magazine published from Thiruvanandapuram.That was only a beginning. Then followed many articles from his pen and continued the writing till this time.The first book of MK was published in 1984. It was a study of O V Vijayan's novel Khasakkinte Ithihasam. The work was called "Aathmayangalude Khasak".
With that single critical work, M K was shot into fame. He became a recognized writer. Since then several books were published as follows:
2] Manushyambaranthangal- the horizon of human thought.- study of novels and poems[1989]3] Kadha Aadhunikathakk Shesham- tracing the works after the period of modern short stories.[2000]
4]Veenapoovu Kaavyangalkku Munpe- it studies the VEENAPOOVU ofKumaranasan is the land mark poem in malayalam literature.[2002]
5]Ahambodhathinte Sargathmakatha- a study of short stories of prominent writers.[1995]
6]Puthiya Kavithayude Darsanam- an enquiry in to the new poetry.[2003]
7]Akshara Jaalakam- this is a compiliation of writings in his Kerakaumudi column[ 2004]
8]Navaadwaitham - a study of O V Vijayan's novels[ 2006 ]
Incidently MK with his friends has instituted an Award for the latest developements in malayalam Literature in the name of Khasak Awards[1995]. It has been distributed without fail since the last 13 years to some noted writers in Malayalam Literature. It focuses on literary studies than mere fiction or poem.It is his regular critical column "Aksharajaalakam" in Kala Kaumiudi that made him a noted figure in Malayalam Literary circles as a critic. His criticism on everything and anything is one that was never seen in malayalam since its birth.
He now lives with his wife Anitha, and his two daughters: Malavika and Hima at Tripunithura.MK's other activities include blogging and a mission to plant about Ten Million Trees all over the Globe.He has contributed more than 150 poems both in English and Malayalam in his array of Blogs. Both he takes as his passion than as fun. He has even created a ripple in the internet blogging community a couple of years back.
Right now he has now more than five blogs. Mk has started a publishing house also in the name of Bluemango Books. It has already published translated versions of Poems and Novels and has given its annual awards to the best student writer last year.The award is still open, and u can get more details of that from here.
Now MK spends time writing, editing books, and blogging.
submitted by k santhosh kumar: READ MORE
This is M k

M.K Harikumar was born at Koothattukulam, [ in ernakulam district] on 30th July 1962. He studied at the Koothattukulam Government UP School and later joined Deva Matha College at Kuravilangadu for his B. A. ,was his main stream of study there. After finishing BA he joined for his M A in Nirmala College, Moovattupuzha.
m k has written plays and presented on stage ,while he was studying u p classes.m k was a sportsman too.He was proficient in Pole Vault and High Jump.He played Foot Ball and Basket Ball as M K is a personality who can still play not in the field, but with words also.As usual, after completing his Post Graduation he returned to home for the next three years to read, read and then to write.
Although since existence became a necessity with an ordinary post graduation, Harikumar started a private college and started teaching English and malayalam, not Economics. His penchant for the language was evident since then. Side by side with the tuition, he read on almost all the literary books that were available in his neighbourhood libraries.As reading made him think, he started writing too.
Still a necessity for a job was intense for him.The tuition stopped, as his concentration switched to writing more. But survival became important. Just then after three or four years of self-inflicted uncertainity, he joined as a sub Editor in Mangalam Daily in Kottayam. That was his stepping stone to journalism. Soon he became the Desk Chief there. So increased his responsibilites too. At that stage he even feared whether he would never write again anything other than the conventional news or rewirte the reader's mails.
The realization was a shock to him. But the realization of existing as a writer shocked him even more. So he continued journalism till he joined Kerala Kaumudi hoping for better propsects.He joined kerala Kaumudi as a reporter, and later became Bureau Chief in Ernakulam. He learned to live frugally with his income along with a nucleus family of his own since then.But the writer in him was restless as ever.By this time, he published quite a lot of articles of his own in the current publications. He even started his popular column "Aksharajaalakam" in Kalakaumudi by then.MK started writng from school onwards, in fact.
But that was what a boy of his age could do. As a school boy he participated in oratory competions.His first article was an introduction to the compiliation of three stories published[1980] by Subhash Charvaaka at Kuthattukulam. Soon he was writing in Samkramanam Magazine published from Thiruvanandapuram.That was only a beginning. Then followed many articles from his pen and continued the writing till this time.The first book of MK was published in 1984. It was a study of O V Vijayan's novel Khasakkinte Ithihasam. The work was called "Aathmayangalude Khasak".
With that single critical work, M K was shot into fame. He became a recognized writer. Since then several books were published as follows:
2] Manushyambaranthangal- the horizon of human thought.- study of novels and poems[1989]3] Kadha Aadhunikathakk Shesham- tracing the works after the period of modern short stories.[2000]
4]Veenapoovu Kaavyangalkku Munpe- it studies the VEENAPOOVU ofKumaranasan is the land mark poem in malayalam literature.[2002]
5]Ahambodhathinte Sargathmakatha- a study of short stories of prominent writers.[1995]
6]Puthiya Kavithayude Darsanam- an enquiry in to the new poetry.[2003]
7]Akshara Jaalakam- this is a compiliation of writings in his Kerakaumudi column[ 2004]
8]Navaadwaitham - a study of O V Vijayan's novels[ 2006 ]
Incidently MK with his friends has instituted an Award for the latest developements in malayalam Literature in the name of Khasak Awards[1995]. It has been distributed without fail since the last 13 years to some noted writers in Malayalam Literature. It focuses on literary studies than mere fiction or poem.It is his regular critical column "Aksharajaalakam" in Kala Kaumiudi that made him a noted figure in Malayalam Literary circles as a critic. His criticism on everything and anything is one that was never seen in malayalam since its birth.
He now lives with his wife Anitha, and his two daughters: Malavika and Hima at Tripunithura.MK's other activities include blogging and a mission to plant about Ten Million Trees all over the Globe.He has contributed more than 150 poems both in English and Malayalam in his array of Blogs. Both he takes as his passion than as fun. He has even created a ripple in the internet blogging community a couple of years back.
Right now he has now more than five blogs. Mk has started a publishing house also in the name of Bluemango Books. It has already published translated versions of Poems and Novels and has given its annual awards to the best student writer last year.The award is still open, and u can get more details of that from here.
Now MK spends time writing, editing books, and blogging.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
നൂറ് വിശേഷവാക്യങ്ങള്
Aphorisms [Thoughts] of m k harikumar
1. Nostalgia is either a personal hallucination or a savy.
2. One could write only what a society permits today.
3. The success of today's life is there only where a dulicate of the body's image and love remains.
4. Both the body and the mind are for others. Not for one's self. Mind is there to be thrown away like a cigarette packet
.5. One never remains married or otherwise just because he has read poetry. Sexual disappointment would change him in any case
.6. The total experience of today's writers are nothing but an explanation in book form.
7. Life is an argument.An argument between what is right and what is wrong
.8. Millions of insects remain bold even when they could not defend their life from situations that are beyond their control.
9. Art should not be artistic.It should invent itself in art.
10.Commercial banks are much better than lovers. They show enough magnanimity to send ten or more SMSes.
11.The symbol of male has become rotten everywhere.
12.Writing is an enterprise of the future.
13.Things that are deep still remain unexplored.
14.It is revolutionary to be a real woman.
15.One could remain unwomanish by hating men or refraining oneself from self-sex.
16.Truth can topple down like a tent in the wind anytime.
17.There is nothing called reality. We do create it and we do erase it as needed.
18.There are only expectations in TV, film and the media.
19.A writer has no role to play today. He remains in the boundary of his own passport-size photograph when he creates an award for himself.
20.The unpolitical demands of the politicians are the stumbling blocks of the day.
21.There are different types of ambitions and additions in the air. But nothing is tangible.22.All love will fall off like the scales of a fish.
23.Copulation is not an emotion. it is a drama.
24.A man is supposed to accept many worlds that are a lot bigger and heavier than the world in which he lives.
25.We may see our long-cherished wonders lying around like wet carbon pieces.
26.Love gets a bigger image than those involved in love in the love scenes of a movie where a love song is depicted
.27.Today poetry has deteriorated into a public opinion and as a conventional public notion.
28. Poetry is a mere repetition. It is a ritual art.
29.Rain is painful like a wail of the thoughts that became indebted and hapless as they fall down from the realms of conscious and unconscious.
30.Flower: A symbol of beauty that had to commit suicide by taking the shape of a plastic flower in interior decorations, from its duty of shouldering the weight of poetry.
31.Meditation is a necessarry characteristic for the praying process that beseech the well being of all the life on earth.
32.A woman who thinks that the advantage of love and sex is for the man, cannot enjoy her own sexual emotions.
33. Butterfly: An insect experimenting how to fly free from the thoughts that bind itself with any after-the-life relationships.
34. Reality: It is another planet within the planet called earth.
35.Tortoise: A humble irresponsible being that does not possess any drive or have any challenge as to walkdown a certain distance in a day, a month or even an year.
36.The world today is not with love. Neither love is with the boy who loves someone.
37.Even Poets do not need poetry. They only need prose.
38.The holistic values of the emtional life of men today is lost for ever.
39.There is no relation between religion and religiousness.
40. Each idea is destined to be holistic.
41.There is only body-relationship among men today. Their inner world has been lost somewhere.42. In this new age, there is no centre called poet. There is only one who uses words!43. Human identity is lost!
44.The equality of experiences is what becomes special in today's world. It has made literature unliterature. These days when everything is dying the only escape is to laugh at one's self to apply break to the continuity of events.
45.Sky is not just a thought. One can be there in different planes. It is an excellent symbol of friendship.46.The wind brings in wisdom.
47.A writer's challenge is to live inside each cell of the experience after scrutinizing them.
48. Our logic, emotion and precious knowledge are all end-results of one or more jouenys.such a journey fails even the galaxy.
49.The meaning of all the words is just the same.
50.Love has become not a commodity to be handled carefully.
51.Life is a loss of memory on another memory.
52.Love is an interaction like the deadly sting of a scorpion.
53.The real poetry is beyond the words in that poetry.
54.A flower falling down is history.
55.Man's life is neither a story or a book.
56.All stories of writers have turned unbelievable today
.57.The reality of literature has becomevery feebleseveral times than it was what before.
58.The real silence is the dissatisfaction arising out of cumulative thinking.
59.Real writing takes place when blind-beliefs of the past are broken.
60.A writer has to turn himself into a media.
61. Religion is both a temple and the idol.
62.We have no surplus value , when vices engulf us as a fire on dry leaves.
63.Our barren earth begins with us. it grows beyond our body outwards, slowley.
64.Trees create a new language for oneness.
65.Tree is a spirituality to all animals.66.Night: it is an aesthetic ambience of an unworldly solitude, apprehension , expectation and dread.
67.Literature is the economics of the energy of the relativeness of life that seprates the world from the unknown.
68. Art is the condition of an energy that experiments with the equivalency of images larger than life , generated by dissolving one's own life in contemplation .
69.There are short cuts in quizz for everything.Life itslef is a big quiz.70.Being a male means to keep guard on an energy that is being developed more than what is needed.
71. There are no stories in Malayalam. Only film scripts are there.
72. The otherday I watched the speech of Sukumar Azhikode in TV, who is a greatest speaker in Malayalam. That speech was not a speach. It was his many speeches.
73.It needs water to remind us that there is nothing left to remember when it is flowing.
74.The unconditional flow of water is what is called life.
75.Water is a suicide squad .
76.The solitude of the words is the biggest puzzle of today.
77. the existance of man is the silliest in the world. If a wind blows, it falls down.
78.There is no Life anywhere.
79.It is fun to search for stars in a sky which is not existing there.80.Beauty is not religious today.It is a festival for others.
81. Life is ,at the same time , old and new.
82.It is a good subject to be discussed proudly by everyone when they realize that they have their own deaths.
83. Plant is not earthly.
84.The very look at each object makes a writer lost in words.
85.Unless carefully observed one's mind, it is lost for ever.
86.Knowledge is like the moult of the reptiles. They are to be used and then to be thrown away.87.Many knowledge leads one to be aloof.
88.If there is no speed there is no journey.
89.The journey in a man's mind do travel many times faster than the light.90.The path is the journey.
91. The journey is the path.
92.Our journeys are not towards one particular destination; they are toward many destinations.
93. Our journeys defeat the Time. In this journey we are only temporary camps.
94.All roads will end at last. The real journey also ends.
95.We carry in our mind more than what our bodies could carry.
96. our paths are getting erased as soon as they are created. That is how the butterfly-journey begins.
97. Those who become victims of their own decisions do feel more boredom.
98.In the new market system, a woman has more market share than a man. Their pictures, sound, the very presence- everything do boost the market
.99. The hands remain worried not knowing what to do when we stand in que or watch a film or even talk with another one.
100.For writers, youth is there to accept disgrace.
നൂറ് വിശേഷവാക്യങ്ങള്
Aphorisms [Thoughts] of m k harikumar
1. Nostalgia is either a personal hallucination or a savy.
2. One could write only what a society permits today.
3. The success of today's life is there only where a dulicate of the body's image and love remains.
4. Both the body and the mind are for others. Not for one's self. Mind is there to be thrown away like a cigarette packet
.5. One never remains married or otherwise just because he has read poetry. Sexual disappointment would change him in any case
.6. The total experience of today's writers are nothing but an explanation in book form.
7. Life is an argument.An argument between what is right and what is wrong
.8. Millions of insects remain bold even when they could not defend their life from situations that are beyond their control.
9. Art should not be artistic.It should invent itself in art.
10.Commercial banks are much better than lovers. They show enough magnanimity to send ten or more SMSes.
11.The symbol of male has become rotten everywhere.
12.Writing is an enterprise of the future.
13.Things that are deep still remain unexplored.
14.It is revolutionary to be a real woman.
15.One could remain unwomanish by hating men or refraining oneself from self-sex.
16.Truth can topple down like a tent in the wind anytime.
17.There is nothing called reality. We do create it and we do erase it as needed.
18.There are only expectations in TV, film and the media.
19.A writer has no role to play today. He remains in the boundary of his own passport-size photograph when he creates an award for himself.
20.The unpolitical demands of the politicians are the stumbling blocks of the day.
21.There are different types of ambitions and additions in the air. But nothing is tangible.22.All love will fall off like the scales of a fish.
23.Copulation is not an emotion. it is a drama.
24.A man is supposed to accept many worlds that are a lot bigger and heavier than the world in which he lives.
25.We may see our long-cherished wonders lying around like wet carbon pieces.
26.Love gets a bigger image than those involved in love in the love scenes of a movie where a love song is depicted
.27.Today poetry has deteriorated into a public opinion and as a conventional public notion.
28. Poetry is a mere repetition. It is a ritual art.
29.Rain is painful like a wail of the thoughts that became indebted and hapless as they fall down from the realms of conscious and unconscious.
30.Flower: A symbol of beauty that had to commit suicide by taking the shape of a plastic flower in interior decorations, from its duty of shouldering the weight of poetry.
31.Meditation is a necessarry characteristic for the praying process that beseech the well being of all the life on earth.
32.A woman who thinks that the advantage of love and sex is for the man, cannot enjoy her own sexual emotions.
33. Butterfly: An insect experimenting how to fly free from the thoughts that bind itself with any after-the-life relationships.
34. Reality: It is another planet within the planet called earth.
35.Tortoise: A humble irresponsible being that does not possess any drive or have any challenge as to walkdown a certain distance in a day, a month or even an year.
36.The world today is not with love. Neither love is with the boy who loves someone.
37.Even Poets do not need poetry. They only need prose.
38.The holistic values of the emtional life of men today is lost for ever.
39.There is no relation between religion and religiousness.
40. Each idea is destined to be holistic.
41.There is only body-relationship among men today. Their inner world has been lost somewhere.42. In this new age, there is no centre called poet. There is only one who uses words!43. Human identity is lost!
44.The equality of experiences is what becomes special in today's world. It has made literature unliterature. These days when everything is dying the only escape is to laugh at one's self to apply break to the continuity of events.
45.Sky is not just a thought. One can be there in different planes. It is an excellent symbol of friendship.46.The wind brings in wisdom.
47.A writer's challenge is to live inside each cell of the experience after scrutinizing them.
48. Our logic, emotion and precious knowledge are all end-results of one or more jouenys.such a journey fails even the galaxy.
49.The meaning of all the words is just the same.
50.Love has become not a commodity to be handled carefully.
51.Life is a loss of memory on another memory.
52.Love is an interaction like the deadly sting of a scorpion.
53.The real poetry is beyond the words in that poetry.
54.A flower falling down is history.
55.Man's life is neither a story or a book.
56.All stories of writers have turned unbelievable today
.57.The reality of literature has becomevery feebleseveral times than it was what before.
58.The real silence is the dissatisfaction arising out of cumulative thinking.
59.Real writing takes place when blind-beliefs of the past are broken.
60.A writer has to turn himself into a media.
61. Religion is both a temple and the idol.
62.We have no surplus value , when vices engulf us as a fire on dry leaves.
63.Our barren earth begins with us. it grows beyond our body outwards, slowley.
64.Trees create a new language for oneness.
65.Tree is a spirituality to all animals.66.Night: it is an aesthetic ambience of an unworldly solitude, apprehension , expectation and dread.
67.Literature is the economics of the energy of the relativeness of life that seprates the world from the unknown.
68. Art is the condition of an energy that experiments with the equivalency of images larger than life , generated by dissolving one's own life in contemplation .
69.There are short cuts in quizz for everything.Life itslef is a big quiz.70.Being a male means to keep guard on an energy that is being developed more than what is needed.
71. There are no stories in Malayalam. Only film scripts are there.
72. The otherday I watched the speech of Sukumar Azhikode in TV, who is a greatest speaker in Malayalam. That speech was not a speach. It was his many speeches.
73.It needs water to remind us that there is nothing left to remember when it is flowing.
74.The unconditional flow of water is what is called life.
75.Water is a suicide squad .
76.The solitude of the words is the biggest puzzle of today.
77. the existance of man is the silliest in the world. If a wind blows, it falls down.
78.There is no Life anywhere.
79.It is fun to search for stars in a sky which is not existing there.80.Beauty is not religious today.It is a festival for others.
81. Life is ,at the same time , old and new.
82.It is a good subject to be discussed proudly by everyone when they realize that they have their own deaths.
83. Plant is not earthly.
84.The very look at each object makes a writer lost in words.
85.Unless carefully observed one's mind, it is lost for ever.
86.Knowledge is like the moult of the reptiles. They are to be used and then to be thrown away.87.Many knowledge leads one to be aloof.
88.If there is no speed there is no journey.
89.The journey in a man's mind do travel many times faster than the light.90.The path is the journey.
91. The journey is the path.
92.Our journeys are not towards one particular destination; they are toward many destinations.
93. Our journeys defeat the Time. In this journey we are only temporary camps.
94.All roads will end at last. The real journey also ends.
95.We carry in our mind more than what our bodies could carry.
96. our paths are getting erased as soon as they are created. That is how the butterfly-journey begins.
97. Those who become victims of their own decisions do feel more boredom.
98.In the new market system, a woman has more market share than a man. Their pictures, sound, the very presence- everything do boost the market
.99. The hands remain worried not knowing what to do when we stand in que or watch a film or even talk with another one.
100.For writers, youth is there to accept disgrace.
നൂറ് വിശേഷവാക്യങ്ങള്
Aphorisms [Thoughts] of m k harikumar
1. Nostalgia is either a personal hallucination or a savy.
2. One could write only what a society permits today.
3. The success of today's life is there only where a dulicate of the body's image and love remains.
4. Both the body and the mind are for others. Not for one's self. Mind is there to be thrown away like a cigarette packet
.5. One never remains married or otherwise just because he has read poetry. Sexual disappointment would change him in any case
.6. The total experience of today's writers are nothing but an explanation in book form.
7. Life is an argument.An argument between what is right and what is wrong
.8. Millions of insects remain bold even when they could not defend their life from situations that are beyond their control.
9. Art should not be artistic.It should invent itself in art.
10.Commercial banks are much better than lovers. They show enough magnanimity to send ten or more SMSes.
11.The symbol of male has become rotten everywhere.
12.Writing is an enterprise of the future.
13.Things that are deep still remain unexplored.
14.It is revolutionary to be a real woman.
15.One could remain unwomanish by hating men or refraining oneself from self-sex.
16.Truth can topple down like a tent in the wind anytime.
17.There is nothing called reality. We do create it and we do erase it as needed.
18.There are only expectations in TV, film and the media.
19.A writer has no role to play today. He remains in the boundary of his own passport-size photograph when he creates an award for himself.
20.The unpolitical demands of the politicians are the stumbling blocks of the day.
21.There are different types of ambitions and additions in the air. But nothing is tangible.22.All love will fall off like the scales of a fish.
23.Copulation is not an emotion. it is a drama.
24.A man is supposed to accept many worlds that are a lot bigger and heavier than the world in which he lives.
25.We may see our long-cherished wonders lying around like wet carbon pieces.
26.Love gets a bigger image than those involved in love in the love scenes of a movie where a love song is depicted
.27.Today poetry has deteriorated into a public opinion and as a conventional public notion.
28. Poetry is a mere repetition. It is a ritual art.
29.Rain is painful like a wail of the thoughts that became indebted and hapless as they fall down from the realms of conscious and unconscious.
30.Flower: A symbol of beauty that had to commit suicide by taking the shape of a plastic flower in interior decorations, from its duty of shouldering the weight of poetry.
31.Meditation is a necessarry characteristic for the praying process that beseech the well being of all the life on earth.
32.A woman who thinks that the advantage of love and sex is for the man, cannot enjoy her own sexual emotions.
33. Butterfly: An insect experimenting how to fly free from the thoughts that bind itself with any after-the-life relationships.
34. Reality: It is another planet within the planet called earth.
35.Tortoise: A humble irresponsible being that does not possess any drive or have any challenge as to walkdown a certain distance in a day, a month or even an year.
36.The world today is not with love. Neither love is with the boy who loves someone.
37.Even Poets do not need poetry. They only need prose.
38.The holistic values of the emtional life of men today is lost for ever.
39.There is no relation between religion and religiousness.
40. Each idea is destined to be holistic.
41.There is only body-relationship among men today. Their inner world has been lost somewhere.42. In this new age, there is no centre called poet. There is only one who uses words!43. Human identity is lost!
44.The equality of experiences is what becomes special in today's world. It has made literature unliterature. These days when everything is dying the only escape is to laugh at one's self to apply break to the continuity of events.
45.Sky is not just a thought. One can be there in different planes. It is an excellent symbol of friendship.46.The wind brings in wisdom.
47.A writer's challenge is to live inside each cell of the experience after scrutinizing them.
48. Our logic, emotion and precious knowledge are all end-results of one or more jouenys.such a journey fails even the galaxy.
49.The meaning of all the words is just the same.
50.Love has become not a commodity to be handled carefully.
51.Life is a loss of memory on another memory.
52.Love is an interaction like the deadly sting of a scorpion.
53.The real poetry is beyond the words in that poetry.
54.A flower falling down is history.
55.Man's life is neither a story or a book.
56.All stories of writers have turned unbelievable today
.57.The reality of literature has becomevery feebleseveral times than it was what before.
58.The real silence is the dissatisfaction arising out of cumulative thinking.
59.Real writing takes place when blind-beliefs of the past are broken.
60.A writer has to turn himself into a media.
61. Religion is both a temple and the idol.
62.We have no surplus value , when vices engulf us as a fire on dry leaves.
63.Our barren earth begins with us. it grows beyond our body outwards, slowley.
64.Trees create a new language for oneness.
65.Tree is a spirituality to all animals.66.Night: it is an aesthetic ambience of an unworldly solitude, apprehension , expectation and dread.
67.Literature is the economics of the energy of the relativeness of life that seprates the world from the unknown.
68. Art is the condition of an energy that experiments with the equivalency of images larger than life , generated by dissolving one's own life in contemplation .
69.There are short cuts in quizz for everything.Life itslef is a big quiz.70.Being a male means to keep guard on an energy that is being developed more than what is needed.
71. There are no stories in Malayalam. Only film scripts are there.
72. The otherday I watched the speech of Sukumar Azhikode in TV, who is a greatest speaker in Malayalam. That speech was not a speach. It was his many speeches.
73.It needs water to remind us that there is nothing left to remember when it is flowing.
74.The unconditional flow of water is what is called life.
75.Water is a suicide squad .
76.The solitude of the words is the biggest puzzle of today.
77. the existance of man is the silliest in the world. If a wind blows, it falls down.
78.There is no Life anywhere.
79.It is fun to search for stars in a sky which is not existing there.80.Beauty is not religious today.It is a festival for others.
81. Life is ,at the same time , old and new.
82.It is a good subject to be discussed proudly by everyone when they realize that they have their own deaths.
83. Plant is not earthly.
84.The very look at each object makes a writer lost in words.
85.Unless carefully observed one's mind, it is lost for ever.
86.Knowledge is like the moult of the reptiles. They are to be used and then to be thrown away.87.Many knowledge leads one to be aloof.
88.If there is no speed there is no journey.
89.The journey in a man's mind do travel many times faster than the light.90.The path is the journey.
91. The journey is the path.
92.Our journeys are not towards one particular destination; they are toward many destinations.
93. Our journeys defeat the Time. In this journey we are only temporary camps.
94.All roads will end at last. The real journey also ends.
95.We carry in our mind more than what our bodies could carry.
96. our paths are getting erased as soon as they are created. That is how the butterfly-journey begins.
97. Those who become victims of their own decisions do feel more boredom.
98.In the new market system, a woman has more market share than a man. Their pictures, sound, the very presence- everything do boost the market
.99. The hands remain worried not knowing what to do when we stand in que or watch a film or even talk with another one.
100.For writers, youth is there to accept disgrace.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
കാറ്റില് വെറുതെ ആടി
ഇരു വശത്തും നല്ല പഴുത്ത മുന്തിരിക്കുലകള്.
ഒന്നും അവ പറയുന്നില്ല.
എന്നാല് അവ തങ്ങളുടെ മധുരമോ ,നിറമോ
വസന്തമോ അറിഞ്ഞില്ല.
വെറുതെ നടന്ന എന്നെ സംശയത്തോടെ
നോക്കുകയാണോ എന്ന് ഞാന് ഭയപ്പെട്ടു.
ഞാന് തിരിഞ്ഞു നടന്നു.
ഉന്മാദം അറിയാതെ
മുന്തിരിക്കുലകള് കാറ്റില് വെറുതെ ആടി
കാറ്റില് വെറുതെ ആടി
ഇരു വശത്തും നല്ല പഴുത്ത മുന്തിരിക്കുലകള്.
ഒന്നും അവ പറയുന്നില്ല.
എന്നാല് അവ തങ്ങളുടെ മധുരമോ ,നിറമോ
വസന്തമോ അറിഞ്ഞില്ല.
വെറുതെ നടന്ന എന്നെ സംശയത്തോടെ
നോക്കുകയാണോ എന്ന് ഞാന് ഭയപ്പെട്ടു.
ഞാന് തിരിഞ്ഞു നടന്നു.
ഉന്മാദം അറിയാതെ
മുന്തിരിക്കുലകള് കാറ്റില് വെറുതെ ആടി
കാറ്റില് വെറുതെ ആടി
ഇരു വശത്തും നല്ല പഴുത്ത മുന്തിരിക്കുലകള്.
ഒന്നും അവ പറയുന്നില്ല.
എന്നാല് അവ തങ്ങളുടെ മധുരമോ ,നിറമോ
വസന്തമോ അറിഞ്ഞില്ല.
വെറുതെ നടന്ന എന്നെ സംശയത്തോടെ
നോക്കുകയാണോ എന്ന് ഞാന് ഭയപ്പെട്ടു.
ഞാന് തിരിഞ്ഞു നടന്നു.
ഉന്മാദം അറിയാതെ
മുന്തിരിക്കുലകള് കാറ്റില് വെറുതെ ആടി
Saturday, November 8, 2008
K santhosh kumar writes about m k harikumar- Meet Mr. M K

K Santhosh Kumar, editor,Saturday Digest Online Magazine, writes about M K Harikumar
Meet Mr. MK
Everyone whom I met in my life so far told me that I am a lone-wolf. And all of them whom I met are lone-wolves like me. Each one whom I met ultimately withdrew to himself or herself like tortoises that seek shelter within its shell.
When I met MK accidently sometimes a couple of years back I felt the same about him: here's another tortoise!
But I was proved wrong for the first time! Here's a guy who speak, write and think with pregnant words! Here's a guy who dreams in words! Here's a guy who colors life not with paint but with words! Here's is a guy who rip through the rock-hard shells of the society using his harp words. Here's is a guy who blows open the innards of the so-called Malayalam Literature with his words and throws it out to the vultures to feed on.
To be honest I never mentally accept anyone as a true friend unless I thoroughly study him or her. I am reluctant to accept anything as it is even now. So I did not accepted him first as a friend. But did accept him as an acquaintance only. It is my nature to remain sceptical and analytical till I find myself comfortable with a person. So I remained aloof from MK for some time immediately after our first meeting.
I began to study MK. Suddenly I found out that he is genuinely honest. Not a trait that could be seen in people today. MK is honest to the core. Perhaps too honest to live in this society. His honesty has been exploited by many of his friends .
MK is simple, but simply complex at times. MK is honest, but sceptical about everything. MK is dedicated in anything he is really interested.
I introduced MK to the limitless freedom of the internet one day. It was a turning point in his very career. Soon he created almost a Tsunami in the blog circles in internet, especially among the Malayalee Bloggers. He even asked me to start blogging, which I thought till then is not the cup of tea for me.
He was right. And is right. Soon the history of internet blogging was re-written by MK when he invited the wrath of other bloggers through his honest observations. Even the print media in Kerala was dragged into the fray. But the Malayalam Media is afraid of MK. As usual the print media caters only psychophants of theirs. MK is not a psychophant. Will never be too. That isolates him out from the crowd of letter-writers. That alone elevates him to the status of a literate genius.
To me MK is a book. Every time I read it, I have to begin from chapter 1 onwards. Reason: every time the words of his get new depths and shades in its intended meanings. At the surface MK's works look like an ocean that is restless and disturbed. In the depths, there is supernatural tranquility and limitless magnitude of meanings.
I write this to do justice my conscious about our relationship. I'm afraid you don't understand me. If so, it is because you don't understand MK. Ever. There's nothing to be misunderstood in anyone's life. Not in MK's or mine. That is our relationship.
Life is a journey. In this exodus, one is likely to meet someone else who share the same feelings and understandings as that you have. In my case it happened accidentally a couple of years back. I met M.K. Harikumar.
I still remember the day when Harikumar came to my home as a stranger to me, searching for me to do some personal work for his friend. Not for any works of his. That shocked me. Here's a man seeking my help for one of his many friends, not for himself. And that day, over a cup of hot tea our friendship began.
I was astonished at his sincerity and enthusiasm to help others. Later, I found out that people were taking a ride on his talents, sincereity and honesty. It took some time for me to realize how talented Harikumar was and how well known he is in the Malayalam literary circles. I also came to know of his "Aksharajaalakam", a regular column published in a leading weekly in Kerala where he was working then as a journalist. But never did I read it until some time later.
After leaving the college, I lost touch with any Malayalam contemporary literature that appeared in the run-of-the-mill publications in Kerala. I knew, the "standards" of many leading weeklies were withering down in the course of time. The publication industry was struggling to keep their editorial staff glued to their desks somehow. I knew it because I was also a journalist with a leading newspaper in Chennai. Main reason for me to loose touch with the contemporary Malayalam was that I was in Chennai for most of my life after education.
However, I wanted to know the real worth of Harikumar as he has been calling me regularly and talk over phone for long time about subjects I seldom took interest in. So I decided to 'investigate' him through his columns with the idea that if he is not the 'sort' I expect, I must tell him blatantly that I do not want to be disturbed by him. I took a weekly where his columns are published, one day and browsed through his Aksharajaalakam. There, I saw his real worth. I realized how talented he is, how dedicated he is and above all how sincere and honest he is.
He is restless at the very sight of injustice. He is at the same time very reluctant to say a "no" to anyone. Unlike me he is apparently rough, not diplomatic and very quick to jump to conclusions. I know Harikumar won't take my rambling seriously. But I tell the truth.
He can dissect a writer, like a student dissects a frog in the lab, and take out his innards of creativity. He can point out what is right and what is untrue. He can tell easily how honest an author is to his work. He can take a reader with him into the fathomless depths of meanings in life that is reflected in a work. Be it a short story, novel, essay or drama, Harikumar's approach to them is uncompromising. He is cent percent a "genuine" critic in Malayalam.
K santhosh kumar writes about m k harikumar- Meet Mr. M K

K Santhosh Kumar, editor,Saturday Digest Online Magazine, writes about M K Harikumar
Meet Mr. MK
Everyone whom I met in my life so far told me that I am a lone-wolf. And all of them whom I met are lone-wolves like me. Each one whom I met ultimately withdrew to himself or herself like tortoises that seek shelter within its shell.
When I met MK accidently sometimes a couple of years back I felt the same about him: here's another tortoise!
But I was proved wrong for the first time! Here's a guy who speak, write and think with pregnant words! Here's a guy who dreams in words! Here's a guy who colors life not with paint but with words! Here's is a guy who rip through the rock-hard shells of the society using his harp words. Here's is a guy who blows open the innards of the so-called Malayalam Literature with his words and throws it out to the vultures to feed on.
To be honest I never mentally accept anyone as a true friend unless I thoroughly study him or her. I am reluctant to accept anything as it is even now. So I did not accepted him first as a friend. But did accept him as an acquaintance only. It is my nature to remain sceptical and analytical till I find myself comfortable with a person. So I remained aloof from MK for some time immediately after our first meeting.
I began to study MK. Suddenly I found out that he is genuinely honest. Not a trait that could be seen in people today. MK is honest to the core. Perhaps too honest to live in this society. His honesty has been exploited by many of his friends .
MK is simple, but simply complex at times. MK is honest, but sceptical about everything. MK is dedicated in anything he is really interested.
I introduced MK to the limitless freedom of the internet one day. It was a turning point in his very career. Soon he created almost a Tsunami in the blog circles in internet, especially among the Malayalee Bloggers. He even asked me to start blogging, which I thought till then is not the cup of tea for me.
He was right. And is right. Soon the history of internet blogging was re-written by MK when he invited the wrath of other bloggers through his honest observations. Even the print media in Kerala was dragged into the fray. But the Malayalam Media is afraid of MK. As usual the print media caters only psychophants of theirs. MK is not a psychophant. Will never be too. That isolates him out from the crowd of letter-writers. That alone elevates him to the status of a literate genius.
To me MK is a book. Every time I read it, I have to begin from chapter 1 onwards. Reason: every time the words of his get new depths and shades in its intended meanings. At the surface MK's works look like an ocean that is restless and disturbed. In the depths, there is supernatural tranquility and limitless magnitude of meanings.
I write this to do justice my conscious about our relationship. I'm afraid you don't understand me. If so, it is because you don't understand MK. Ever. There's nothing to be misunderstood in anyone's life. Not in MK's or mine. That is our relationship.
Life is a journey. In this exodus, one is likely to meet someone else who share the same feelings and understandings as that you have. In my case it happened accidentally a couple of years back. I met M.K. Harikumar.
I still remember the day when Harikumar came to my home as a stranger to me, searching for me to do some personal work for his friend. Not for any works of his. That shocked me. Here's a man seeking my help for one of his many friends, not for himself. And that day, over a cup of hot tea our friendship began.
I was astonished at his sincerity and enthusiasm to help others. Later, I found out that people were taking a ride on his talents, sincereity and honesty. It took some time for me to realize how talented Harikumar was and how well known he is in the Malayalam literary circles. I also came to know of his "Aksharajaalakam", a regular column published in a leading weekly in Kerala where he was working then as a journalist. But never did I read it until some time later.
After leaving the college, I lost touch with any Malayalam contemporary literature that appeared in the run-of-the-mill publications in Kerala. I knew, the "standards" of many leading weeklies were withering down in the course of time. The publication industry was struggling to keep their editorial staff glued to their desks somehow. I knew it because I was also a journalist with a leading newspaper in Chennai. Main reason for me to loose touch with the contemporary Malayalam was that I was in Chennai for most of my life after education.
However, I wanted to know the real worth of Harikumar as he has been calling me regularly and talk over phone for long time about subjects I seldom took interest in. So I decided to 'investigate' him through his columns with the idea that if he is not the 'sort' I expect, I must tell him blatantly that I do not want to be disturbed by him. I took a weekly where his columns are published, one day and browsed through his Aksharajaalakam. There, I saw his real worth. I realized how talented he is, how dedicated he is and above all how sincere and honest he is.
He is restless at the very sight of injustice. He is at the same time very reluctant to say a "no" to anyone. Unlike me he is apparently rough, not diplomatic and very quick to jump to conclusions. I know Harikumar won't take my rambling seriously. But I tell the truth.
He can dissect a writer, like a student dissects a frog in the lab, and take out his innards of creativity. He can point out what is right and what is untrue. He can tell easily how honest an author is to his work. He can take a reader with him into the fathomless depths of meanings in life that is reflected in a work. Be it a short story, novel, essay or drama, Harikumar's approach to them is uncompromising. He is cent percent a "genuine" critic in Malayalam.
Friday, November 7, 2008
വെറുതെ ഒരില പൊഴിച്ചു
ആ മാവ് പൂത്തു.
വെറുതെ ഒരില പൊഴിച്ചു.
ആരെയും അറിയിക്കാതെ
ഓരോ മഴയും ആസ്വദിച്ചു.
വികാരമൊന്നും പ്രകടിപ്പിക്കാതെ
ഒരു പൂവ് ഉതിര്ത്തിട്ടു.
എന്തിനോ വേണ്ടി കാത്തുനിന്നു.
കാവ്യബോധത്തിനോട് വിരക്തിയാലെന്നപോലെ
നിര്ദ്ദയമായ മൌനത്ത അഭയം പ്രാപിച്ചു
വെറുതെ ഒരില പൊഴിച്ചു
ആ മാവ് പൂത്തു.
വെറുതെ ഒരില പൊഴിച്ചു.
ആരെയും അറിയിക്കാതെ
ഓരോ മഴയും ആസ്വദിച്ചു.
വികാരമൊന്നും പ്രകടിപ്പിക്കാതെ
ഒരു പൂവ് ഉതിര്ത്തിട്ടു.
എന്തിനോ വേണ്ടി കാത്തുനിന്നു.
കാവ്യബോധത്തിനോട് വിരക്തിയാലെന്നപോലെ
നിര്ദ്ദയമായ മൌനത്ത അഭയം പ്രാപിച്ചു
Thursday, November 6, 2008
100 Aphorisms of M K Harikumar , selected and translated by K Santhosh Kumar , Editor , Saturday Digest Online Magazine

4. Both the body and the mind are for others. Not for one's self. Mind is there to be thrown away like a cigarette packet.
5. One never remains married or otherwise just because he has read poetry. Sexual disappointment would change him in any case.
6. The total experience of today's writers are nothing but an explanation in book form.
7. Life is an argument.An argument between what is right and what is wrong.
8. Millions of insects remain bold even when they could not defend their life from situations that are beyond their control.
9. Art should not be artistic.It should invent itself in art.
10.Commercial banks are much better than lovers. They show enough magnanimity to send ten or more SMSes.
11.The symbol of male has become rotten everywhere.
12.Writing is an enterprise of the future.
13.Things that are deep still remain unexplored.
14.It is revolutionary to be a real woman.
15.One could remain unwomanish by hating men or refraining oneself from self-sex.
16.Truth can topple down like a tent in the wind anytime.
17.There is nothing called reality. We do create it and we do erase it as needed.
18.There are only expectations in TV, film and the media.
19.A writer has no role to play today. He remains in the boundary of his own passport-size photograph when he creates an award for himself.
20.The unpolitical demands of the politicians are the stumbling blocks of the day.
21.There are different types of ambitions and additions in the air. But nothing is tangible.
22.All love will fall off like the scales of a fish.
23.Copulation is not an emotion. it is a drama.
24.A man is supposed to accept many worlds that are a lot bigger and heavier than the world in which he lives.
25.We may see our long-cherished wonders lying around like wet carbon pieces.
26.Love gets a bigger image than those involved in love in the love scenes of a movie where a love song is depicted.
27.Today poetry has deteriorated into a public opinion and as a conventional public notion.
28. Poetry is a mere repetition. It is a ritual art.
29.Rain is painful like a wail of the thoughts that became indebted and hapless as they fall down from the realms of conscious and unconscious.
30.Flower: A symbol of beauty that had to commit suicide by taking the shape of a plastic flower in interior decorations, from its duty of shouldering the weight of poetry.
31.Meditation is a necessarry characteristic for the praying process that beseech the well being of all the life on earth.
32.A woman who thinks that the advantage of love and sex is for the man, cannot enjoy her own sexual emotions.
33. Butterfly: An insect experimenting how to fly free from the thoughts that bind itself with any after-the-life relationships.
34. Reality: It is another planet within the planet called earth.
35.Tortoise: A humble irresponsible being that does not possess any drive or have any challenge as to walkdown a certain distance in a day, a month or even an year.
36.The world today is not with love. Neither love is with the boy who loves someone.
37.Even Poets do not need poetry. They only need prose.
38.The holistic values of the emtional life of men today is lost for ever.
39.There is no relation between religion and religiousness.
40. Each idea is destined to be holistic.
41.There is only body-relationship among men today. Their inner world has been lost somewhere.
42. In this new age, there is no centre called poet. There is only one who uses words!
43. Human identity is lost!
44.The equality of experiences is what becomes special in today's world. It has made literature unliterature. These days when everything is dying the only escape is to laugh at one's self to apply break to the continuity of events.
45.Sky is not just a thought. One can be there in different planes. It is an excellent symbol of friendship.
46.The wind brings in wisdom.
47.A writer's challenge is to live inside each cell of the experience after scrutinizing them.
48. Our logic, emotion and precious knowledge are all end-results of one or more jouenys.such a journey fails even the galaxy.
49.The meaning of all the words is just the same.
50.Love has become not a commodity to be handled carefully.
51.Life is a loss of memory on another memory.
52.Love is an interaction like the deadly sting of a scorpion.
53.The real poetry is beyond the words in that poetry.
54.A flower falling down is history.
55.Man's life is neither a story or a book.
56.All stories of writers have turned unbelievable today.
57.The reality of literature has becomevery feebleseveral times than it was what before.
58.The real silence is the dissatisfaction arising out of cumulative thinking.
59.Real writing takes place when blind-beliefs of the past are broken.
60.A writer has to turn himself into a media.
61. Religion is both a temple and the idol.
62.We have no surplus value , when vices engulf us as a fire on dry leaves.
63.Our barren earth begins with us. it grows beyond our body outwards, slowley.
64.Trees create a new language for oneness.
65.Tree is a spirituality to all animals.
66.Night: it is an aesthetic ambience of an unworldly solitude, apprehension , expectation and dread.
67.Literature is the economics of the energy of the relativeness of life that seprates the world from the unknown.
68. Art is the condition of an energy that experiments with the equivalency of images larger than life , generated by dissolving one's own life in contemplation .
69.There are short cuts in quizz for everything.Life itslef is a big quiz.

70.Being a male means to keep guard on an energy that is being developed more than what is needed.
71. There are no stories in Malayalam. Only film scripts are there.
72. The otherday I watched the speech of Sukumar Azhikode in TV, who is a greatest speaker in Malayalam. That speech was not a speach. It was his many speeches.
73.It needs water to remind us that there is nothing left to remember when it is flowing.
74.The unconditional flow of water is what is called life.
75.Water is a suicide squad .
76.The solitude of the words is the biggest puzzle of today.
77. the existance of man is the silliest in the world. If a wind blows, it falls down.
78.There is no Life anywhere.
79.It is fun to search for stars in a sky which is not existing there.
80.Beauty is not religious today.It is a festival for others.
81. Life is ,at the same time , old and new.
82.It is a good subject to be discussed proudly by everyone when they realize that they have their own deaths.
83. Plant is not earthly.
84.The very look at each object makes a writer lost in words.
85.Unless carefully observed one's mind, it is lost for ever.
86.Knowledge is like the moult of the reptiles. They are to be used and then to be thrown away.
87.Many knowledge leads one to be aloof.
88.If there is no speed there is no journey.
89.The journey in a man's mind do travel many times faster than the light.
90.The path is the journey.
91. The journey is the path.
92.Our journeys are not towards one particular destination; they are toward many destinations.
93. Our journeys defeat the Time. In this journey we are only temporary camps.
94.All roads will end at last. The real journey also ends.
95.We carry in our mind more than what our bodies could carry.
96. our paths are getting erased as soon as they are created. That is how the butterfly-journey begins.
97. Those who become victims of their own decisions do feel more boredom.
98.In the new market system, a woman has more market share than a man. Their pictures, sound, the very presence- everything do boost the market.
99. The hands remain worried not knowing what to do when we stand in que or watch a film or even talk with another one.
100.For writers, youth is there to accept disgrace.
100 Aphorisms of M K Harikumar , selected and translated by K Santhosh Kumar , Editor , Saturday Digest Online Magazine

4. Both the body and the mind are for others. Not for one's self. Mind is there to be thrown away like a cigarette packet.
5. One never remains married or otherwise just because he has read poetry. Sexual disappointment would change him in any case.
6. The total experience of today's writers are nothing but an explanation in book form.
7. Life is an argument.An argument between what is right and what is wrong.
8. Millions of insects remain bold even when they could not defend their life from situations that are beyond their control.
9. Art should not be artistic.It should invent itself in art.
10.Commercial banks are much better than lovers. They show enough magnanimity to send ten or more SMSes.
11.The symbol of male has become rotten everywhere.
12.Writing is an enterprise of the future.
13.Things that are deep still remain unexplored.
14.It is revolutionary to be a real woman.
15.One could remain unwomanish by hating men or refraining oneself from self-sex.
16.Truth can topple down like a tent in the wind anytime.
17.There is nothing called reality. We do create it and we do erase it as needed.
18.There are only expectations in TV, film and the media.
19.A writer has no role to play today. He remains in the boundary of his own passport-size photograph when he creates an award for himself.
20.The unpolitical demands of the politicians are the stumbling blocks of the day.
21.There are different types of ambitions and additions in the air. But nothing is tangible.
22.All love will fall off like the scales of a fish.
23.Copulation is not an emotion. it is a drama.
24.A man is supposed to accept many worlds that are a lot bigger and heavier than the world in which he lives.
25.We may see our long-cherished wonders lying around like wet carbon pieces.
26.Love gets a bigger image than those involved in love in the love scenes of a movie where a love song is depicted.
27.Today poetry has deteriorated into a public opinion and as a conventional public notion.
28. Poetry is a mere repetition. It is a ritual art.
29.Rain is painful like a wail of the thoughts that became indebted and hapless as they fall down from the realms of conscious and unconscious.
30.Flower: A symbol of beauty that had to commit suicide by taking the shape of a plastic flower in interior decorations, from its duty of shouldering the weight of poetry.
31.Meditation is a necessarry characteristic for the praying process that beseech the well being of all the life on earth.
32.A woman who thinks that the advantage of love and sex is for the man, cannot enjoy her own sexual emotions.
33. Butterfly: An insect experimenting how to fly free from the thoughts that bind itself with any after-the-life relationships.
34. Reality: It is another planet within the planet called earth.
35.Tortoise: A humble irresponsible being that does not possess any drive or have any challenge as to walkdown a certain distance in a day, a month or even an year.
36.The world today is not with love. Neither love is with the boy who loves someone.
37.Even Poets do not need poetry. They only need prose.
38.The holistic values of the emtional life of men today is lost for ever.
39.There is no relation between religion and religiousness.
40. Each idea is destined to be holistic.
41.There is only body-relationship among men today. Their inner world has been lost somewhere.
42. In this new age, there is no centre called poet. There is only one who uses words!
43. Human identity is lost!
44.The equality of experiences is what becomes special in today's world. It has made literature unliterature. These days when everything is dying the only escape is to laugh at one's self to apply break to the continuity of events.
45.Sky is not just a thought. One can be there in different planes. It is an excellent symbol of friendship.
46.The wind brings in wisdom.
47.A writer's challenge is to live inside each cell of the experience after scrutinizing them.
48. Our logic, emotion and precious knowledge are all end-results of one or more jouenys.such a journey fails even the galaxy.
49.The meaning of all the words is just the same.
50.Love has become not a commodity to be handled carefully.
51.Life is a loss of memory on another memory.
52.Love is an interaction like the deadly sting of a scorpion.
53.The real poetry is beyond the words in that poetry.
54.A flower falling down is history.
55.Man's life is neither a story or a book.
56.All stories of writers have turned unbelievable today.
57.The reality of literature has becomevery feebleseveral times than it was what before.
58.The real silence is the dissatisfaction arising out of cumulative thinking.
59.Real writing takes place when blind-beliefs of the past are broken.
60.A writer has to turn himself into a media.
61. Religion is both a temple and the idol.
62.We have no surplus value , when vices engulf us as a fire on dry leaves.
63.Our barren earth begins with us. it grows beyond our body outwards, slowley.
64.Trees create a new language for oneness.
65.Tree is a spirituality to all animals.
66.Night: it is an aesthetic ambience of an unworldly solitude, apprehension , expectation and dread.
67.Literature is the economics of the energy of the relativeness of life that seprates the world from the unknown.
68. Art is the condition of an energy that experiments with the equivalency of images larger than life , generated by dissolving one's own life in contemplation .
69.There are short cuts in quizz for everything.Life itslef is a big quiz.

70.Being a male means to keep guard on an energy that is being developed more than what is needed.
71. There are no stories in Malayalam. Only film scripts are there.
72. The otherday I watched the speech of Sukumar Azhikode in TV, who is a greatest speaker in Malayalam. That speech was not a speach. It was his many speeches.
73.It needs water to remind us that there is nothing left to remember when it is flowing.
74.The unconditional flow of water is what is called life.
75.Water is a suicide squad .
76.The solitude of the words is the biggest puzzle of today.
77. the existance of man is the silliest in the world. If a wind blows, it falls down.
78.There is no Life anywhere.
79.It is fun to search for stars in a sky which is not existing there.
80.Beauty is not religious today.It is a festival for others.
81. Life is ,at the same time , old and new.
82.It is a good subject to be discussed proudly by everyone when they realize that they have their own deaths.
83. Plant is not earthly.
84.The very look at each object makes a writer lost in words.
85.Unless carefully observed one's mind, it is lost for ever.
86.Knowledge is like the moult of the reptiles. They are to be used and then to be thrown away.
87.Many knowledge leads one to be aloof.
88.If there is no speed there is no journey.
89.The journey in a man's mind do travel many times faster than the light.
90.The path is the journey.
91. The journey is the path.
92.Our journeys are not towards one particular destination; they are toward many destinations.
93. Our journeys defeat the Time. In this journey we are only temporary camps.
94.All roads will end at last. The real journey also ends.
95.We carry in our mind more than what our bodies could carry.
96. our paths are getting erased as soon as they are created. That is how the butterfly-journey begins.
97. Those who become victims of their own decisions do feel more boredom.
98.In the new market system, a woman has more market share than a man. Their pictures, sound, the very presence- everything do boost the market.
99. The hands remain worried not knowing what to do when we stand in que or watch a film or even talk with another one.
100.For writers, youth is there to accept disgrace.
ബഷീറിന്റെ ചെറുകഥകൾ 101 പഠനങ്ങൾ. ഒലിവ്/ എഡിറ്റർ :പോൾ മണലിൽ 2010 rs/300/
എം.കെ.ഹരികുമാർ "ഡിജിറ്റൽ, ഇന്റർനെറ്റ് വ്യവഹാരങ്ങളിൽ ഒരാൾ ഇടപെടുന്നതു തന്നെ കലാപ്രവർത്തനമാണ്" - ഇന്നത്തെ ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ സ്പീഡ്...